1985-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Ford Skorpio
+ 1.1. Car identification
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
   + 3.1. Engine OHC
   - 3.2. Engine DOHC
      3.2.1. A technical characteristics
      - 3.2.2. The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine A chain газораспределительного the mechanism and asterisks
         + A head of the block of cylinders Removal and installation of a back sealing ring of a cranked shaft
      + 3.2.3. Removal and installation of the engine without a transmission
      3.2.4. Ventilation system картера
      + 3.2.5. Greasing system
   + 3.3. Engine V6
   + 3.4. Ignition and engine management systems
   + 3.5. Diesel engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Coupling
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. Wheels and tyres
+ 13. A body
+ 14. An electric equipment

b087f616 A chain газораспределительного the mechanism and asterisks

Drive газораспределительного the mechanism

1 – an asterisk of the camshaft operating inlet valves,
2 – top directing to a chain,
3 – an asterisk of the camshaft operating final valves,
4 – lateral успокоитель chains,
5 – a bolt of fastening lateral успокоителя chains,
6 – a chain of a drive of the oil pump,
7 – a leading asterisk,
8 – натяжитель chains of a drive of the oil pump,
9 – an asterisk of the oil pump,
10 – a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains,
11 – натяжитель drive chains газораспределительного the mechanism,
12 – a lock ring,
13 – an axial bolt натяжителя chains,
14 – a drive chain газораспределительного the mechanism

The gazoraspredelitelnyj mechanism

1 – an asterisk of the camshaft operating final valves,
2 – copper elements of installation on a lateral surface of a chain,
3 – a drive chain газораспределительного the mechanism,
4 – lateral успокоитель chains,
6 – a leading asterisk,
5 – a cranked shaft,
7 – натяжитель chains of a drive of the oil pump,
8 – a chain of a drive of the oil pump,
9 – a rotor of the oil pump,
10 – редукционный the valve,
11 – the channel of giving of oil to a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains,
12 – a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains,
13 – an asterisk натяжителя chains,
14 – the lever натяжителя chains,
15 – an asterisk of the camshaft operating inlet valves,
16 – top directing to a chain

Removal of an axis of the tension device приводной system chains timing engine DOHC

The top drawing – removal of a lock ring.

The bottom drawing – extraction of an axis of the tension device.

Arrangement of a hydraulic pusher of the tension device приводной system chains timing engine DOHC

1 – a hydraulic pusher

Installation timing engine DOHC

The top drawing – adjusting grooves of camshafts should be directed every which way.

The bottom drawing – adjusting signs on an asterisk of a cranked shaft and омедненное a link приводной chains.
1. To remove a wire of weight from the accumulator.
2. To remove клиновой a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of a cooling liquid.
3. To remove the air filter.
4. On cars with system of injection of fuel to remove an air pipe connecting the air filter with the case throttle заслонки.
5. To remove high-voltage wires from spark plugs and to unscrew candles.
6. To uncover the ignition distributor together with high-voltage wires.
7. To disconnect a ventilation hose картера the engine from сапуна covers of a head of the block of cylinders.
8. To disconnect a cable of a pedal of an accelerator. In the engine with the carburettor to unscrew a cable throttle заслонки together with the holder, and in the engine with fuel injection to disconnect draught from the case throttle заслонки after extraction from outside a clip from an artificial material.
9. To uncover heads of the block of cylinders.
10. To remove the ignition distributor.
11. To remove the top cover газораспределительного the mechanism.
12. To turn a cranked shaft in a direction of working rotation before installation in the top dead point in a step of compression of the piston of the cylinder 1.
The prevention

The cranked shaft can be turned накидным a key for an average bolt of fastening of an asterisk in a direction of its working rotation while signs on asterisks of camshafts will not be established at height of the top plane of a head of the block of cylinders and in both camshafts will be directed outside.

13. To weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft. For an exception проворачивания a cranked shaft at pulley unscrewing it is necessary to fix a flywheel for teeths of a gear wreath or to include the fifth transfer and to the assistant to press against the stop a foot brake.
14. Partially to unscrew a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft and using a stripper to remove a pulley. Stripper captures should rest against a metal part of a pulley (And – installation sites of captures of a stripper on a pulley). Not to have stripper captures on a rubber surface ().
15. To unscrew a long bottom bolt of fastening of the generator, then the top bolt and to remove the generator.
16. To unscrew the central bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension приводного a belt and to remove the tension mechanism.
17. To unscrew 11 bolts of fastening and to remove the bottom cover газораспределительного the mechanism. To remove rubber consolidation.
18. To unscrew a bolt (it is specified by an arrow) and to remove натяжитель chains of a drive of the oil pump.
19. To unscrew a bolt of fastening of an asterisk on the oil pump and to remove an asterisk together with a chain.
20. To remove top directing to a chain.
21. To unscrew two bolts of fastening bottom успокоителя chains and to take it upwards.
22. To remove a lock ring from a lever axis натяжителя chains газораспределительного the mechanism and to remove the lever натяжителя.
23. To remove a lever axis натяжителя chains газораспределительного the mechanism, using bolt М6х70 and the plug.
24. To mark asterisks of camshafts and to remove them.
25. To remove an asterisk and segment шпонку from a cranked shaft.
26. To take a chain газораспределительного the mechanism upwards.
The prevention

In order to avoid impact of pistons and valves, at the removed chain газораспределительного the mechanism not to turn a cranked shaft of the engine.

27. To remove натяжитель chains.
28. To remove a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains.
29. To disassemble a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains and to merge from it oil.
30. To fill in fresh engine oil in the case of a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains, and applying the special adaptation 21-145 to collect натяжитель chains as follows. To establish the case of a pusher an aperture upwards. To establish the adaptation on the pusher case, and конусная the adaptation part should be directed upwards. To establish плунжер a pusher on the adaptation and to compress assemblage before weak click, thus the pusher should be fixed in the bottom position.


To check up on deterioration and presence of damages a chain газораспределительного the mechanism, an asterisk and натяжитель chains. At deterioration of a plastic asterisk натяжителя chains, all knot натяжителя as separately asterisks are not delivered is subject to replacement.

Hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains

And – normal position плунжера,

In and With – strong выступание the piston (the pusher is subject to replacement),

1 – a lock ring

Position of labels of installation of the asterisks, corresponding to installation of the piston of the cylinder 1 in the top dead point in a compression step

The special tool made of a wire in diameter of 2,5 mm for clearing плунжера of a pusher натяжителя of a chain

The prevention

On a chain газораспределительного the mechanism there are copper elements which are used for a correct arrangement of the mechanism timing at chain installation.


1. To check up that the cranked shaft is in position corresponding to installation of the piston of the cylinder 1 in the top dead point in a compression step, thus шпоночный the groove should be directed downwards.
2. To lower a chain from above in a casing, thus a single copper link of a chain should be below.
3. To insert шпонку into a groove of a cranked shaft.
4. To establish a chain on an internal (big) asterisk having combined thus a copper link of a chain with a label on an asterisk.
5. To establish an asterisk on a cranked shaft, having combined a groove on an asterisk with шпонкой, thus the label on an asterisk should be strictly below.
6. To insert from above into place bottom успокоитель chains and to screw its bolts which carving is covered by the means interfering unscrewing of bolts.
7. To establish a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains. Плунжер a pusher should be at level of the case or slightly act from it. At considerable выступании плунжера or a visible lock ring on плунжере the hydraulic pusher натяжителя to a chain is subject to replacement.
8. To establish the lever натяжителя chains, a lever axis натяжителя and to fix its lock washer.
9. To check up and if necessary to establish camshafts in a starting position. Camshafts should be in position corresponding to installation of the piston of the cylinder 1 in the top dead point in a compression step, and adjusting ledges for asterisks should be on one line with the top edge of a head of the block of cylinders and are directed outside.
10. To establish a chain on an asterisk of a final camshaft, having combined a label on an asterisk with the middle of a site of a chain between copper links of a chain.
11. To establish an asterisk on a camshaft. Thus the label on an asterisk (it is specified by an arrow) should be on one line with the top edge of a head of the block of cylinders and to be directed outside.
12. To screw a bolt of fastening of an asterisk.
13. To establish a chain on an asterisk of an inlet camshaft, having combined a label on an asterisk with the middle of a site of a chain between copper links of a chain.
14. To establish an asterisk on a camshaft.
The prevention

In an installation time of asterisks приводная the chain should be tense from an opposite side of the tension device. Thus the label on an asterisk should be on one line with the top edge of a head of the block of cylinders and to be directed outside.

15. To establish top directing to a chain газораспределительного the mechanism.
16. To turn a cranked shaft on some turns in a direction of working rotation of the engine.
17. To check up position плунжера a hydraulic pusher. If плунжер a pusher strongly acts from the case, to press it, having pressed the lever натяжителя chains. If плунжер a pusher is below level of the top edge of the case of a pusher, for clearing плунжера it is necessary to use the special tool made of a wire in diameter of 2,5 mm.
18. Cautiously to pick up the lever натяжителя, then to insert between the lever and плунжером the tool. To take a screw-driver and to release плунжер, having pressed the lever натяжителя chains and to take the tool.
19. To turn a cranked shaft on two turns in a direction of working rotation of the engine and to check up labels on asterisks of camshafts which should be on one line with the top edge of a head of the block of cylinders, and are directed outside.
20. To turn a cranked shaft on one turn in a direction of working rotation of the engine and to check up labels on asterisks of camshafts which should be on one line with the top edge of a head of the block of cylinders and are directed to each other.
21. To establish a chain of a drive of the oil pump on an asterisk of a cranked shaft, then to establish приводную an asterisk together with a chain on the oil pump.
22. To establish натяжитель chains of the oil pump.
23. To check up a condition of a sealing ring in the top cover of the distributive mechanism. If necessary to take an old sealing ring and using tubular оправку to establish a new ring the working edges directed to the engine.
24. To establish the top cover of the distributive mechanism with a new lining (fastening nuts are specified by arrows).
25. To establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
26. To check up a condition of a sealing ring in the bottom cover of the distributive mechanism. If necessary to take an old sealing ring and, using tubular оправку, to establish a new ring the working edges directed to the engine.
27. To establish the bottom cover of the distributive mechanism with a new lining, without tightening fastening bolts. The ledge (it is specified by an arrow) on a lining should enter into a groove of the bottom cover.
28. To establish on a cranked shaft a pulley of an auxiliary belt and to fix its old bolt, simultaneously aligning the bottom cover of the distributive mechanism, and definitively to tighten bolts of fastening of a cover.
29. To unscrew from a pulley an old bolt and to screw in new, having tightened its demanded moment.
30. To establish the mechanism of a tension of an auxiliary belt, thus a ledge on a back part of the mechanism of a tension should enter into a corresponding aperture in the block of cylinders of the engine.
31. To establish the generator.

32. The further assemblage is made in sequence to return dismantling.